PosNumTeam NameCarPitLast †DT / SGBestStatusCurrent DriverSectorGapDiff *
↓108Team ViresXRT47.67FINP. Krzyżanowskisector 162 laps
↓242Derp McHerpington Racing XRT20:4148.13FINO. Hardwicksector 10.070.07
↓328XRT30:1348.25FINZ. Cagašsector 10.700.63
↓433Tiger Express MotorsportsXRT48.31FINY. Laprevottesector 10.930.23
↓597PontiacXRT10:4048.15FINŁ. Paszczyksector 11.240.31
↓683Master Team Drivers Zero X-tremeXRT10:241 / 048.03FINA. Terhosector 11.470.23
↓769Speed DesireXRT47.68FINP. Rozenbajgersector 11.900.43
↓864Angel Power RacingXRT48.28FINM. Kapalsector 12.560.66
↓993Playezone TeamXRT30:1448.29FINE. Pūliņšsector 12.870.31
↓10121Speed DesireXRT10:401 / 048.43FINJ. Babowiczsector 13.130.26
↓11991Team Laptop ShopXRT20:2048.08FINS. Martinsector 13.610.48
↓1223Angel Power RacingXRT30:1348.23FINJ. Dohnalíksector 13.720.11
↓1307Conquest RacingXRT10:130 / 147.66FINM. Garbolewskisector 14.310.59
↓1452Angel Power RacingXRT20:131 / 148.13FINT. Korenýsector 131.7527.44
↓1506FGSFDSXRT2PIT48.11RETJ. Teiensector 234 laps34 laps
↓1619Team ViresXRTDNS

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* Difference in time to the car in front on the last mutual lap.

† Last pit - the difference in time between the car's last completed lap and the time they exited the pit lane.

Qualifying results